
Apply now for our African Scholarship Programme 2025!


This exciting opportunity is designed for early career researchers in Africa who wish to pursue their own research projects in the fields of Social Science and Humanities, with a focus on contemporary Africa. 

The programme offers a platform for scholars to advance their academic careers and contribute to the understanding of African issues.

The programme is open to two main categories of early career researchers:

- Staff full-time employed by an African-based university or research center who are enrolled in a doctoral programme in the African region and who do not have access to an international scholarship.

- Postdoctoral researchers within 5 years or less of PhD completion.

Don't miss this chance to further your research and make a meaningful impact in your field! Apply by the latest 1st of April 2024.

For more information and to APPLY, visit: [African Scholarship Programme 2025](

Source: confidence mawusi telegram group 

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